
Showing posts from October, 2008

Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei

Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei Genres: comedy, drama, slice of life Themes: parody, school, suicide Story : Itoshiki Nozomu, a man who always live in despair and always see everything in the negative way, one day meet Kafuka Fuura, a girl who can only see everything in positive way. Under the cherry tree, Itoshiki was about to hang himself when Kafuka walk by and stop his action. Kafuka give nickname to Itoshiki since he try to suicide under the cherry tree, so Kafuka call him 'Momoiro Kakarincho'. And then they part ways only to find that Itoshiki is a teacher that teach in Kafuka's class. The story begin here. How Itoshiki, that have another nickname, Zetsubo (despair), can survive in a class that have various kind of -strange- students as a Hikikomori, Stalker, 'Fujoshi' (female otaku), An Illegal Immigrant, etc. Review : Okay....first time i watch this anime i suddenly said......"What the....?!" since this anime is what you can called Weird Anime and full of